Meet the Team


Dr Rosanna Page

MBChB Birmingham MA Camb MRCGP DRCOG

Buntingford Medical Centre

Dr Kumar Mukherjee

MBBs London MRCGP – Partner

Buntingford Medical Centre

Dr Chantal Brunisholz


Buntingford Medical Centre

Dr Imogen Woods

Buntingford Medical Centre

Dr Francesca Rees

Buntingford Medical Centre

Dr Rebecca Brady


Buntingford Medical Centre

Dr Stephanie Labenda


Buntingford Medical Centre

Dr Michael Partington


MB ChB (Otago, New Zealand)

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Dr Will Nicolson


MB BS MRCGP (London)

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Dr Anushka Fowell



Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Dr Mary Taylor

MBChB RCGP (Sheffield)

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Dr Louise Chin

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Dr Ali Shah


Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Nursing Team

Primary Care Practitioners

Karen Bentley, Sarah French and Samantha Harvey

Karen, Sarah and Sammi are our Primary Care Practitioners, as well as nurse appointments they can also see patients about things that would normally be dealt with by a doctor, such as minor illnesses.


Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings. The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailment clinics and carry out cervical smears.

Karen Wood


Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Noemia Garcia-Cabanas

Buntingford Medical Centre

Karen Ferreira

Buntingford Medical Centre

Chloe Ruffell

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Healthcare Assistants

Our Healthcare Assistants play a vital role in supporting the practice doctors and nurses.  They carry out tasks such as patient health checks, annual reviews for long term conditions, vaccinations, the provision of lifestyle and stop smoking advise, blood pressure checks and dressings.

Shelley Hayden

Buntingford Medical Centre

Karen Mayhew

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Practice Management

The Practice Business Manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The Practice Business Manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.

Teresa Davidson

Practice Manager

Both Sites


The Practice Administrators play a key role in overseeing the the day to day operational management of the practice. They manage the recall process for the management of annual reviews for long terms conditions and are a key contact point for all members of the practice team.

Amy Devereux

Operations Support Manager

Both Sites

Sarah Rider

Reception Supervisor

Both Sites

Jane Wheable

Practice Administrator Finance

Both Sites

Sue Mansfield

Practice Administrator Projects

Both Sites

Catherine Cullen

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery


Receptionists provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Receptionists make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses. They also perform other important tasks such as issuing repeat prescriptions and dealing with prescription enquiries, dealing with financial claims, dealing with patient records and carrying out searches and practice audits.

Leanne Thomas

Buntingford Medical Centre

Andy Leopold

Buntingford Medical Centre

Sally Kupelian

Buntingford Medical Centre

Gabby Hutter

Buntingford Medical Centre

Sarah Parker

Buntingford Medical Centre

Carly Howard

Buntingford Medical Centre

Giuseppina Dawes

Buntingford Medical Centre

Ruth Vincent

Buntingford Medical Centre

Nicole Bradshaw

Buntingford Medical Centre

Laura Murton

Buntingford Medical Centre

Michelle Causon

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Heather Swaby

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Katie Weldon

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Katrina Termine

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Sue Taylor

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Elizabeth Dickens

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Sarah Dixon

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Stella Brookes

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Sylvie Walker

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Marisa Collins

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery


Our Practice Secretaries provide secretarial support to the practice and process and manage all referral requests made for patients by the doctors.

Maureen Phillips

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Debbie Palmer

Standon & Puckeridge Surgery

Natasha Christodoulou

Buntingford Medical Centre

Louise Fattore

Buntingford Medical Centre

Community Midwives

Sally Woodhouse

Meriel De Vekey

Community Nurses

There is an excellent team of community nursing staff comprising of a Community Nurses and Community Nursing Assistants.

They provide nursing services for our housebound patients including;

  • Wound dressing and management
  • Acute/chronic illness management
  • Continence care/assessment
  • Palliative care for patients with cancer
  • Catheter management problems.

Referrals to the district nurses can be made by the patients Doctor, Social Services and Hospitals when they are discharging the patient home.

Patients who are confined to their homes and need nursing assistance may arrange with the doctor for a community nurse to call. She will be able to help to assess your needs and give advice, information and support. Practical nursing care may include injections, dressings and help for patients with incontinence. If you need to contact the District nurses please telephone there are office on the above number.

Bahar Ozan

Donna Rodgers

Health Visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.

Jill Allbrook

Amanda Roe